Lynn Meister Thomas, President of the hg6668皇冠登录 Area Chapter of the North Country Trail talks about hiking the NCT in hg6668皇冠登录 County, MI.

“I have been hiking the North Country Trail since before I knew what it was! When I learned those blue blazes are part of something big, I wanted to help maintain this national treasure. The North Country Trail stretches 4,800 miles across eight states —from North Dakota to Vermont. 更多的 than 500 miles cross the Upper Peninsula. We are so fortunate to have this amazing North Country Trail pass right through hg6668皇冠登录 County. Explore some of our hikes and discover for yourself!”North Country Trail

The North Country Trail stretches 4,800 miles across eight states — from North Dakota to Vermont




Wetmore Landing to Little Presque Isle Point: 1.6英里. 美丽的 Lake Superior shoreline, sometimes along the beach and at other places high above on cliffs overlooking the lake. Two sets of steps lead to the cliff portion.



Railroad Grade near Sand River Road to Kawbawgam Pocket Park: Four miles. Three miles west of Sand River Road. Gently rolling sand hills follow Lake LaVasseur for approximately one mile. Lake LaVasseur has hosted an eagle’s nest in years past and always has a variety of waterfowl and wetlands plants.

A view from the top of Hogback Mountain in hg6668皇冠登录


Segment 13, Hogback Mountain 刺激:

Three miles round trip, with an elevation gain of over 500 feet. For this hike, follow both the blue blaze trail markers for the North Country Trail and the white blaze markers indicating a spur trail. At the top of the summit, you’ll scale some rock faces requiring both hands and feet. Spectacular vista at the top.

Woman traversing rocky incline on the NCT in hg6668皇冠登录 County, MI


  • Navigation: map, compass, GPS

  • Sun/Bug protection: sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, bug spray

  • First Aid Kit

  • Hydration: extra water and/or filter

  • Extra food

  • Knife or multipurpose tool

  • Extra clothing/rain gear

  • Flashlight or headlamp, extra batteries

  • Fire: waterproof matches

  • 吹口哨



  • Dress in layers

  • Avoid cotton

  • Choose merino wool or moisture-wicking clothing to avoid hypothermia

  • Sturdy footwear for hiking

hg6668皇冠登录 小径


计划 and prepare. Bring “The Ten Essentials,” on every hike. One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is wearing inappropriate footwear. These hikes require sturdy, supportive shoes. To gear up for your next hike, visit a local outdoor shop like Downwind 体育 to pick up the essentials. Being well prepared makes the difference between having a marvelous or miserable experience on the trail! And always Respect hg6668皇冠登录 and Leave No Trace so that others can enjoy the beauty of nature on these and other trails in hg6668皇冠登录 County.

Details on these hikes, including directions to trailheads, can be found on the hg6668皇冠登录 Area Chapter of the North Country Trail website under Segment Guides. Most of these hikes can be enjoyed year-round, using snowshoes and/or ice cleats in winter.